hurm.. when talking about admiration.. i juz can't take my mind from thebeautiful & stunning camilla belle... she has a great taste in fashion as she was grown up in the glamorous of fashion settings.. her mother is a fashion designer, i guess.. she was born to wear all the beautiful & expensive dresses.. such a lucky person.. hurmm... she caught my eyes when i watched 10 000bc with nyss & valen, if i'm not mistaken.. 4 me, she was very beautiful in that movie with blue eyes although she looks dirty & her skin was dark.. then, i started 2 search 4 her other movies although they are not as successful & famous as 10 000bc.. the quiet, when a stranger calls, the ballad of jack & rose and some more... it's ok, she is low profile, i guess.. haha.. she is still beautiful 2 me... some people may say that she has a weird face with thick eyebrow, then so what?? do u guys are so f***king pretty to comments about others? i dun think so...well, about her relationship with joe jonas... i dun know wat 2 say, really... i juz wish the best 4 them.. btw, wat do u expect? their faces are almost look alike!! scary sumtimes, haha.. i dun care on wat are their 'dark' secrets behind their relationship, i juz wish them gud luck.. em, to be frank.. i prefer robert pattison better.. i dun know.. sumtimes, he's hot but sumtimes, i've to admit that he looks messy, stinks and unorganized.. watever.. he can changes 4 good sooner or later, i guess, huu.. as a low profile fan of camilla belle, i juz wish the best 4 her.. i'm still wishing that u will come to M'sia someday... hope 2 meet u.. huh.. wat a fantasy...
yeah, she's very pretty in angelic kinda of way.. :)
huahua.. bangga aq ade org puji dia.. wlaupun bkn aq.. nape ek?? haha
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