Monday, February 28, 2011


i didn't answer my brother's call. know y? because i hate him.


why they said like that about me.. they never knew what i've done there.. shit, i starting to hate my practicum.. should i prove to them, in front of their eyes then? 2 months left.. ok, fine..i'll do something then.. and that thing.. fucking in my mind all the time.. i feel seriously fucked up.. damn it. wish there is someone to listen to me.. wth..

great day

i called my mom just now & i suddenly broke into tears.. i never let her hears me cries.. but today, i realized, life in here is hard.. she said 'jgn sedih2.. if anything, just call me. i'll help u..' i'm so down today.. friends & fucking practicum don't matter anymore.. i really want this to end asap.. this is the point where i feel like giving up.. i just wanna let go.. but can i?? how many bad news that i can receive in a day?? is there a better tomorrow? i doubt it..

Thursday, February 24, 2011


by the way,i don't need your language...